You can also join more specialized groups, created for people who are underrepresented in journalism. Below is a list of some of these organizations, but there are many more.
The Alliance For Women in Media has a career center where you can search for jobs, post a resume or watch videos to help you land a job.
The Asian American Journalists Association provides internship and job listings and career help for members.
The Association for Women in Communications has a national conference and its website hosts a jobs board.
The Indigenous Journalists Association (IJA) is a good place to network and find out about internships, fellowships and scholarships for students among other opportunities.
The National Association of Black Journalists website includes a career services page as well as specific internship and scholarship opportunities.
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists provides a career center for members.
Professional organizations help you meet people—and find jobs, attend conferences, win prizes, get relevant training.
Journalists often belong to one or more groups of like-minded professionals to network and keep up with the field. Journalism students can join, too. One of many perks is the chance to join contests, and to get inspiration from some of the best in the field. Below is a short list of some of these organizations. The American Media Institute has links to others.
The National Press Photographers Association sponsors competitions and provides a jobs bank and training seminars. It's also a good way to keep your pulse on issues affecting photojournalists.
The National Association of Broadcasters is for television and radio broadcasters. The website has information about conferences, conventions, jobs, professional development and issues affecting broadcasters.
The Online News Association has news about competitions, conferences, and scholarships for online journalists.
The Radio Television Digital News Association also has news about competitions, conferences, scholarships and jobs—as well as First Amendment advice and salary data.
The Society for News Design is for journalists working in design for print, web and mobile news.
Professional Organizations by Beat
You'll find that particular beats and specialties usually have their own associations. These can be good places to look for resources, mentors, sources, events and contests. Below is a short list to give you an idea of the range of these professional groups and associations.
Association of Food Journalists
Association of Health Care Journalists
National Association of Science Writers
National Sports Media Association
Outdoor Writers Association of America
Religion Newswriters Association