
Have you ever taken initiative in a situation? If so, describe what you did and what the results were. Does this experience offer any insight into being a good journalist?
Have you ever been persistent in a situation? If so, describe what you did and what the results were. Does this experience offer any insight into being a good journalist?
Have you ever followed your curiosity in a situation? If so, describe what you did and what the results were. Does this experience offer any insight into being a good journalist?
Go to a public place such as the lounge in your school’s student union building. Have a seat and listen. Take notes about what you hear people talking about. Make sure you’re in a public place so you don’t intrude into a space where someone would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Then, as you review your notes, respond to these questions:
a. Do you see any patterns or trends in what you heard?
b. Can you identify anything that might make a good topic for a news story?
c. What questions would you want answered to make a story about this topic interesting to you? To a sibling or friend of yours?
d. What information could you find out to make a story about this topic useful for a diverse audience?